Welcome to Horse Lagoon Foundation Malta
Voluntary organization number VO/2507
* You will be able to feel the true spirit of this important goal if read in a calm and in a careful way ..
We beleive in a world full of love...
BENVENUTI ALLA "Fondazione Horse Lagoon"
*Con una calma e attenta lettura potrai sentire il vero spirito di questo importante obbiettivo..
Crediamo in un mondo di Amore...
Our Mission
After decades spent in silence, educating ourselves... saving horses...often curing them from difficult conditions... resisting and overcoming long complicated years, Horse Lagoon continues to carry out its task armed with a double base... the Maltese and the Italian territory...after the intense, difficult and also wonderful experience of Poland.
In Malta a lot of people love horses! Unfortunately even in Malta, there are many or even a lot of horses who suffer and even feel sad for the way they live in... Horses who in their silence dream of a bit of freedom, prairies where they will be able to run and play or simply do the horse... while in reality they are forced to adapt to very small spaces or even closed between the walls...
Our mission is to do our best to change this situation, contributing to change lives for all those horses who cross our path.
As a first step, Horse Lagoon Foundation, will start a rehabilitation process on the Maltese islands where horses receive love and affection.
Recipocrately horses will transmit joy, well-being and great emotions to all the children who in Malta will be happy to join, free of charge to the service of the community.
After the first step spent in Malta, the destiny of these horses will have to improve, getting them closer to the life which belongs to them, where large spaces and immense nature will be their daily habitat..
Precisely for this reason, Horse Lagoon has created a second base in Italy immersed in the splendid hills of the wonderful region of Umbria, where children and families from Malta can go and spend weekends in tranquillity and in pleasant company, enjoying excursions and other various activities which the horses of the Horse Lagoon will be able to give at their best.
Dopo decenni trascorsi in silenzio ad educare noi stessi...a salvare i cavalli, spesso curandoli da condizioni difficili...resistere e superare lunghi anni complicati, la fondazione Horse Lagoon continua a svolgere il suo compito armata di una doppia base su territorio Maltese e territorio Italiano, dopo l'intenso, meraviglioso e difficile passaggio dalla splendida Polonia...
Tantissime persone anche a Malta amano molto i cavalli, ma purtroppo sono tanti, anzi... sono troppi... i cavalli che vivono in condizioni disagiate, in tristezza e sofferenza....Cavalli che nel loro silenzio sognano un po' di liberta', spazi su cui correre e praterie sulle quali giocare o poter fare semplicemente il cavallo...mentre in realta' si trovano costretti ad adattarsi a piccolissimi spazi o addirittura chiusi tra le mure...
La Nostra Missione e' cancellare questo incubo a tutti i cavalli dei quali ne veniamo a conoscenza e iniziare con loro un percorso di riabilitazione che come primo step viene svolto nella base Maltese della Horse Lagoon, dove i cavalli ricevono ondate di affetto e di amore che loro sanno sempre ricambiare trasmettendo gioia, benessere e grandi emozioni a tutti i bambini e alle persone che a Malta sono felici di unirsi a noi nelle giornate dedicate in forma gratuita, al servizio per la societa'.
Dopo il primo step trascorso a Malta il destino dei cavalli dovra' migliorare sempre di piu' avvicinandosi alla vita che piu' gli appartiene, dove grandi spazi e immensa natura saranno il loro quotidiano vivere...
Proprio per questo la Horse Lagoon ha creato la seconda base su territorio Italiano immersa nelle splendide colline della meravigliosa Umbria, dove da Malta, bambini e Famiglie potranno andare a trascorrere splendidi fine settimane in tranquillita' e in piacevole compagnia, godendosi le meravigliose escursioni e altre varie attivita' che i cavalli della Horse Lagoon sapranno offrire sempre al meglio.

*little by little, this project will become bigger and bigger...your support is precious...
*goccia dopo goccia questo progetto diverra' sempre piu' grande...Il tuo sostegno sara' prezioso...

*Thank you Horse Lagoon for saving me...
*Grazie Horse Lagoon per avermi accolto...
If you want to do this...and if you can do this...support Horse Lagoon Foundation
Se vuoi e se puoi... sostieni Horse Lagoon Foundation

Horse Lagoon Foundation
Something about us...
Horse Lagoon Foundation was born from a group of equestrians where their main priorities concern the well-being of the horse and thanks to the horse, the well-being of people.
Horse Lagoon has always been oreinted towards natural riding where the body of the horse and that of the human becomes one, developing both joy and emotions.
Unfortunately many horses have a complex and sometimes a sad past, changing their character and compromising their spirit...and it is our task and devotion to bring them back to their most normal state of wonderful free creatures which by nature belongs to them.
Qualcosa su di noi...
La Fondazione Horse Lagoon nasce da un gruppo di equestri le cui principali priorita' riguardano il benessere del cavallo e grazie a lui il benessere delle persone...
La Horse Lagoon e' da sempre orientata verso una monta naturale dove vede cavallo e persona uniti in un unico corpo sviluppando insieme gioia ed emozione.
Molti cavalli purtroppo portano con loro un trascorso complesso e talvolta triste, causando in essi alterazioni caratteriali compromettenti al loro spirito...ed e' nostro compito e devozione riportarli nel loro piu' normale stato di meravigliose creature libere che di indole gli appartiene...
Our dream...
Il Sogno Di Tutti Noi....
Here we are...
Eccoci qua...
March 2022
*Finally arrived at our destination...yes, after various adventures here and there across Europe...Here we have found peace, joy and serenity...waiting for others who can join us and live like us...
just like horses...
*Finalmente arrivati a destinazione... si, dopo svariate avventure qua e la' per l'Europa... Qua abbiamo trovato pace,gioia e serenita'... aspettando che tanti altri possano raggiungerci e vivere come noi... semplicemente da cavalli...

Horses at Horse Lagoon Foundation

Dutch warmblood with a heart of gold!! He was the inspiration of setting up this foundation!!
Dutch warmblood and as we can say...he is Zion's brother...one is the shadow of the other!!
The beautiful Andalusian, big fat belly and never stops eating!! And above all is one of the bosses!!
Horses at Horse Lagoon Foundation

The sweet Gypsy Vanner …calm as ever!! Her only hobby is eating and being fussed over!!
The Hyper Maltese Thoroughbred!! He just doesn’t like the others being sleepy…he will be the first to start a competition...running, rearing , bucking and name it!!
The Egyptian smart boy!! Everyone will envy him running...with his tail up in the air!! And the picture says it all...he just loves rolling onto mud, camouflaging himself into nature!!
Horses at Horse Lagoon Foundation

Roxy used to pull the Maltese wagon ‘Karozzin’ … Nowadays he doesn’t even want to pull someone’s hair…He just relaxes, grazes and looks over his brothers ..

Nicky is one of the 3 musketeers!! He’s always side by side with Roxy and Trigo!!

The Big old boss!! No one messes around with him!! They have to do as he says or else!!! Oli is his best mate… the second boss around!!

Rainbow the French trotter…calm as ever…quite enjoys his own company.. wants everything for himself!!
Horses at Horse Lagoon Foundation

The Argentinian docile mare!! Sweet and gentle and is living in her own dreams!! Trucks, motorbikes, tractors…just go ahead…She doesn’t mind!! For her they are making a fuss for nothing!!

From a devil to an angel in Beppe’s hands... he also has a beautiful sister who takes a lot of patience with him… Sinta !!!

The smallest and naughtiest of them all… she runs like a missile…and do not touch her mane and tail…she loves them as they are!!!